How to Brew Kombucha with Fruit Juice Instead of Tea (Fruitbucha, a more fruity flavored Kombucha)

Fruit Juice Kombucha! If you think it sounds delicious, it is! While Kombucha brewers are cautioned against using substances other than tea and sugar for their kombucha ferments, due to the impact that foreign substances can have on the kombucha culture, the SCOBY, there is a way out experiment which one can try which goes…

How to Counter Extreme Seasonal Temperatures for Perfect Kombucha Brewing

Does The Changing Of The Seasons Affect My Kombucha? Yes! The seasonal fluctuations in temperature are directly linked to the level of activity within your SCOBY culture. If you are living in a mild climate, then the temperature differences will not be that drastic, and your kombucha brewing will most probably not be affected very…

How To Cut A SCOBY In Half

We all know you can produce a baby SCOBY from the mother by simply brewing Kombucha.  But this is not the only method of ‘reproducing’ a SCOBY. You can also cut it into pieces and use those pieces as a new SCOBY in different containers! Why Cut / Divide a SCOBY? Normally, you don’t need…

What To Do With Extra SCOBYs

At first, it’s like a miracle. Every batch of home-brewed kombucha makes a new SCOBY! You’ll never have to buy another bottle of kombucha at the store! You’ve got lots of SCOBYs to use and share with friends! Then the reality of this never-ending abundance hits home: your SCOBY hotel is full, your friends are all busy…

How To Increase Kombucha Carbonation

Freshly-brewed kombucha tea is a lightly-carbonated drink. When you’re making a basic kombucha recipe, you’re providing the SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast) with a supply of sweetened tea for its food. The microorganisms work together (symbiotically, in other words) to process the nutrients in the sweetened tea. The yeasts take the sugars and break…